Electronic Document Management
Marking scheme for the Examination 27 October 2007
Electronic Document Management

QUESTION 1 [25 marks]

Examine the http://www.australia.gov.au/ web page:

(a) What are three of the major headings used for the information? [6 marks]

2 Marks per heading.

One set of headings to use would be those from the menu in the left hand panel: Government Quicklinks, Information For, Services, Service Locator Trial. Other headings on the page would be acceptable.

(b) Is the wording appropriate (too technical, colloquial, correct spelling)?
[6 marks]

This question was perhaps a little loosely worded. So mark generously. There is no right or wrong answer: the document could be considered to technical, colloquial or not enough. The spelling could be considered correct or not.

Give 4 marks if an opinion is expressed, 6 marks if examples or other justification is given.

(c) Select VIEW > PAGE SOURCE in the web browser to view the HTML source code of the http://www.australia.gov.au/ web page:
(i) Which version of HTML is used? [3 marks]

1 mark for "XHTML"
2 marks for XHTML 1 or XHTML 1.0
3 Marks for "
XHTML 1.0 Transitional"

(ii) What metadata standard is used to record the "Date.valid" in the document? [4 marks]

2 marks for each of DC and ISO8601
2 extra marks for spelling out "Dublin Core" or "International Date/Time Format". 
(iii) The function of the web page is described as being "Information dissemination; Collection access; Website development; Electronic publishing". What metadata standards are these terms related to? [6 marks]

2 marks for each of AGLS and AGIFT

4 marks for each expanded description of
AGLS and AGIFT or explanation of them.

Extra mark for pointing out AGLS is not an acronym.

QUESTION 2 [25 marks]

On 26 October 2007 the Australian Labor Party announced a reform of freedom of information laws:

"MERGE privacy protection and freedom of information in a new Office of the Information Commissioner to streamline and fast-track information policy across government. ..."

From: Rudd to break secrecy code, MICHAEL OWEN, News Limited, October 27, 2007 02:15am

Assume you are preparing a briefing document for the new ALP government on how to implement the policy:

(a) Explain why it will be important for the new Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) to keep records. [6 marks]

1 mark for the use of each of the following words, or similar: business, administration, planning, decision-making, evidence, accountability, legal.

(b) What will the organization use records for? [6 marks]

Several of the students point out that this and the next question were much the same as question (a). So mark similarly.

(c) Why is good record keeping important? [6 marks]

(d) Provide two short quotes explaining electronic document/records management from the "NAA" and include the reference to where the quotes are from. [7 marks]

A quote from a relevant source, such as the following would be suitable:
"Records are an essential tool of good business and for efficient administration. They provide:
  • information for planning and decision-making
  • evidence of government accountability
and are often subject to specific legal requirements.

Records management - Why records matter, National Archives of Australia,13/09/2007, URL: http://www.naa.gov.au/records-management/index.aspx
The use of no particular reference style is required, as long as the source is clear.

QUESTION 3 [25 marks]

The Australian Senate requires each government department and agency to provide an indexed list of all relevant file on its web site. A web search for such files finds more than 100,000 web pages:

(a) What implications does this activity have for the efficiency, security of government records? [6 marks]

The answer could point out benefits in improved public access to information, or the problems with the cost of providing the files and the risk of accidental release of classified or private information. Two marks per point made. Add two m,arks for a referecne, such as to "Be Honest, Minister! RESTORING HONEST GOVERNMENT IN AUSTRALIA", Accountability Working Party, Australasian Study of Parliament Group, 2007

(b) What are the implications for the privacy of personal and corporate records? [6 marks]

6 marks for an explanation about risks of unintended release or aggregation of records. The answer may also argue that there is no risk.

(b) Assume that a government wide interface to these records is to be coordinated by the new Office of the Information Commissioner. How might electronic document management techniques be used to improve this process? [6 marks]

2 marks for discussion of XML and other web technologyies, context information, authenticity of documents, different types of document. The answer could either cover the high level policy issues, or low level implementation. An answer saying something like "use the reporting facility in Trim, or similar EDM to create a lit of files to send to the OIC ... use web service interface for each agency EDM to collect the metadata in RKMS format ..." would be acceptable.

(c) Why should email records and internal government web pages be included (or not included) in the listing of files? [7 marks]

Answer can make the case for or against, covering the security and public policy implications. 2 marks if they simply say "email and web pages are not file".

QUESTION 4 [25 marks]

Assume that the new Office of the Information Commissioner is to accept requests for access to government information on behalf of all government agencies and pass the found documents back to the citizens in electronic form using a web based system. Consider how Digital Preservation Tools and Standards could be used to implement the system:

(a) What would the Recordkeeping Metadata Standard for Commonwealth Agencies be used for? [8 marks]

4 marks if they say RKMS can be used to transmit the metadata for file found in a search. Add 2 marks if they point out it can also be used to encode some of the request data. Add 2 marks if they point out that additional metadata will be required.

4 extra points if they point out that the FunnelBack, web search tool already used by government has an optional interface to the Trim records management package which allows shearing of records.

(b) How could the National Archives XML Electronic Normalising of Archives (XENA) software be used? [8 marks]

What is being looked for here is the idea that the same process used for the archive could be used for handling the FOI documents, using the same document standards. Something like:

"The OIC staff could use an online federated system to search the records of all agencies. OIC staff would then place an automated request for relevant records with each agency for retrieval. It would only need a few seconds for the system to extract the records, but perhaps a day would be allowed for the agency to review the records and release them to the OIC. XENA would normalise the records, so they could be provided in a standard format, also minimizing the unintended risk of release of information which may be embedded in the original binary format and also reduce the risk of viruses."

2 marks for each of the terms such as "converting", "open, fully-documented formats", "normalised" .

2 marks for a quote from sources such as:
  • Tools for digital preservation, National Archives of Australia, 7/08/2007, URL: http://www.naa.gov.au/records-management/secure-and-store/e-preservation/at-NAA/software.aspx#section1
  • Digital Preservation Recorder, Liz McCredie, National Archives of Australia, 24 October 2005, URL: http://dpr.sourceforge.net/docs/dpr_user_manual.pdf
  • Records Management, Tower Software, 2007, URL: http://towersoft.com/na/Products/Records+Management/Records+Management
(c) How could the National Archives Digital Preservation Recorder (DPR) be used? [9 marks]

What is being looked for here is the idea that the same process used for the archive could be used for handling the FOI data, using the same metadata standards:

"DPR would be used to manage the transfer of records in a secure manner. Metadata would be transferred with the documents and a series of servers could be used to quarantine the files. This would improve the security of the system.

2 marks for each of the terms such as "log of the activities", "isolated servers", "Quarantine", "Preservation, "Digital Repository", "ISO 15489".

Note that the paper was intended to be four equal questions of 25 makrs each for a total of 100. However, the students did not have sufficient time so this was changed to the best three questions out of 75, scaled to 100%.

Last modified: Tuesday, 30 October 2007, 12:43 PM