Sydney to Nimbin - Big Things
Hi-tech tourist by Tom Worthington
Created: 23 December 1996 - As at 5 January 1997

- Big Oyster at Taree
- Big Axe at Kendall
- Inflatable Santa at Maksville
- Big Bunch of Bananas at Sawtell
- Big Banana at Coffs Harbour
- Giant Kolas at the Coffs Harbour Zoo
- Concrete Elephants at the Raj Mahal Indian Restaurant at Woolgoolga
- Big Prawn at Ballina
- Nimbin - Main Street
From 21-22 December 1996 I travelled from Sydney to Brisbane by car, up Highway One - the Pacific Highway coastal road.From temperate Sydney to Sub-Tropical Brisbane.
As I went along I started to notice curious giant statues at tourist attractions. After passing several I got out the digital camera and started snapping.
The photos were mostly taken from the side of the highway in a hurry. The locations and names are approximate.
The maps were generated using Map Quest's Internactive Atlas.