Queensland Green IT Industry Special Interest Group and Taskforce

The ACS on behalf of the Queensland ICT Industry invites you to the launch of the National Green IT Industry Special Interest Group and Taskforce.
The Green IT Industry SIG aims to provide industry and consumers with reliable information on current strategies and practices for achieving environmentally sustainable IT.
Speakers from Industry and Government will explain how the IT Industry and major users can understand and respond effectively to the changing business landscape created by climate change and carbon accounting.
Alison O’Flynn - Guest keynote speaker
Alison heads the Sustainability Consulting practice for Fujitsu Australia, assisting organisations in understanding the risks and identifying opportunities in response to climate change, developing the ‘Green Business Case’ and implementing strategic initiatives.
Dr Paul Campbell, Green IT Industry Taskforce Chair
How Queensland is leading the national Green IT agenda
Phillip Nyssen, Green IT Special Interest Group Chair
How you and your organisation can adopt Green IT practices.
This event is kindly sponsored by:
Brisbane City Council and Fujitsu
About this Event
Venue: Brisbane City Hall King George Square
Date: Wednesday 23rd July 2008
Time: 1:30PM
23rd July, 2008
The ACS Green IT Special Interest Group (SIG), chaired by Phillip Nyssen, ACS Qld Board Member, started in Brisbane this year. Its role is to drive IT industry awareness, knowledge and adoption in response to climate change and carbon accounting.
The objectives of the Green IT SIG and opportunities for you include:
Objectives Opportunities
Lobby industry \ government policy
Accessible, real information
Industry collaboration
Focus groups
Up to date information
Champion empowerment
Best practices
Innovative solutions
Professional collateral
Focus groups
Access to company experts
Peer reviewers for knowledge base
Case studies
Industry insights
Lobby government
The work will be supported by the Green IT Taskforce, chaired by Dr Paul Campbell Executive Officer, ICT Industry Workgroup. Its members are comprised of senior managers from the Queensland Government, Brisbane City Council and the IT industry.
The Green IT SIG and Taskforce will work together as described below:
Please register you interest and access information at: www.acs.org.au/greenit
Please keep this paper. Pass it on or pin to your workplace noticeboard !!
Labels: ACS, carbon accounting, Carbon Trading, Climate Change, Green IT, Queensland
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