Monday, August 25, 2008

e-learning and virtual classroom workshops

The Australian Flexible Learning Framework has a free (government funded) two-day intensive 'E-learning Explorers' workshop (Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 August) and 'Virtual Classrooms' e-tools workshop (Thursday 28 August), both in Canberra:
E-explorers for private providers - Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 August

Moir Holmes (2007 ACT LearnScope Facilitator) will facilitate this two-day workshop, which is designed for teachers who are beginners to e-learning. It will enable teachers to develop online resources and use them in an online environment, like Moodle (an open sourced learning management platform).

To register for this free E-explorers workshop on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 August at CIT Bruce Campus, email ASAP.

For more information about other upcoming e-pd in the @CT events visit the ACT Framework webpage at

Virtual Classrooms e-tools workshop - Thursday 28 August, 1pm - 3pm

This workshop will explore the following free virtual classrooms (each has different features and limitations):
  • VETVirtual (Framework's free virtual classroom)
  • dimdim (twenty for free webconferencing)
  • vRoom (three for free webconferencing).
e-tools workshops are free short and sharp hands-on afternoon workshops which enable practitioners to use e-learning tools and resources to create engaging learning content.

To register for this free virtual classrooms e-tools workshop on Thursday 28 August at CIT Reid Campus, email by cob Wednesday 27 August.
For more information about other upcoming e-pd in the @CT events visit the ACT Framework webpage at

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