Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Making popular and accessible web pages

Tenix-Navantia Proposal for the Australian Defence Amphibious Ships ProjectAccessible web design can make your web pages very popular. I am talking about this in "Teaching Web Accessibility at an Australian University" at a forum of the Web Accessibility Network for Australian Universities. The forum is on at the Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee office in Canberra Wednesday 11 April.

An example of a popular web page is one I did last year on the Australian Defence Amphibious Ships Project. This has a short summary of the multi-billion dollar project to build two new Australian aircraft carriers. I hadn't realized how popular this was until I had a message from one of the international defence industry consortia bidding for the project. They explained my page was the most referred to one on the project and suggested some extra links. In a nice touch they provided a link for the rival bider as well as their own.

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