Monday, November 16, 2009

LobbyLens Government Lobbyist Analysis Tool

LobbyLens shows the relationships between lobbyists, companies and government portfolios as tag clouds and diagrams by analysis of contract data. The system shows Lobbists as a tag cloud. What agencies buy from who is shown as a diagram, for example for the Defence Material Organisation, (where I used to work). It is an enhanced version of "LobbyClue", which was judged the Best in Show at the Australian Government 2.0 GovHack.

The LobbyLens team do not appear to have taken up my suggestions about making it lightweight, less dependent on Flash and suitable for portable devices. When I load one of the Flash diagrams the fan in my netbook starts up, indicating it is having to do a lot of work. Also the home page is in Flash which is not a good idea.

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